Bug juice drink tum e yummies
Bug juice drink tum e yummies

bug juice drink tum e yummies

So, as you might imagine, it tastes like most other blue raspberry things – sweet, but also with a nice kick of sour that leaves your lips all puckery and the back of your throat slightly angry at you. The fact that most blue foods are also raspberry flavored (way to take up the red market, cherry) is just an added bonus. I would think this to be an unlikely flavor for actual bug juice, but who am I to question? I also find the term “berry raspeberry” to be a bit redundant I suppose it could be taken to mean “raspberry and also some other random berries you may have heard of”, but since the ingredient list predictably only lists “natural and artificial flavors”, we’ll never know.īut how does it taste? If you’re like me, you’re a sucker for all things that are both blue and ingestible.

bug juice drink tum e yummies

As you can see, the liquid is colored neon blue, and is described as “Berry Raspberry”. I don’t have the answers to any of these questions, so let’s move on to the drink itself. Why is it so prominent? Do they really think I’m going to care that my Bug Juice is made in the U.S.A., when there’s so much more going on here? Most obviously, what is it doing there? It has nothing to do with my interesting insect friends. I have several questions about that flag. There’s also a giant American flag, which I didn’t immediately notice in the store, being all absorbed in the potential mishaps of the Bug Brigade. Let’s ignore the “especially for kids” part and get to the real meat: FROM THE JUNGLES OF THE GREAT NORTH COAST! Which coast? What continent? These guys are getting more interesting all the time! What a cast of characters! Who knows what kinds of wacky adventures they’ll get into next? We don’t know a whole lot about their backgrounds, but I did find this: There’s also some sort of scared worm, but he seems to be more of a bit player. The label is adorable – there’s a polka-dotted bee…thing, a vampire-fanged spider (obviously the villain in the cartoon tie-in – I mean look at those eyebrows), a humble ladybug that may or may not have been poisoned by Fangs Eyebrow, and that obviously drunk guy at the bottom that my Internet research tells me must be some sort of centipede/millipede hybrid. Maybe that’s true, but hey – it was 8am, I was hungover, and I bought it.

bug juice drink tum e yummies

On first glance, it seems to be nothing more than a novelty kid’s drink, no more original than those little plastic baby bottles filled with candy that make me vaguely uncomfortable for some reason. Bug Juice – is it truly a junk food, you ask? Maybe not per se, but as I examined this little gem in the beverage section of my local convenience store, I just couldn’t resist its charms.

Bug juice drink tum e yummies